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Alexandria, VA is one of America's most historic cities. Located across the Potomac River and South of Washington, D.C., its position on a navigable stretch of water enabled Alexandria to grow more quickly than the nation's capital and to become a prosperous river port.
The Alexandria Steam Ferry Company, founded in 1856, provided riverboat and ferry service to the area. Shipbuilding was also a thriving business at the time, and several shipyards and ship repair companies had facilities on the river. Warehouses filled with tobacco and grain lined the commercial waterfront, which extended for several blocks.
This scene shows what life might have been like at the end of the 19th century. Gentlemen on horseback, children dancing, sleighs gliding through the snow-covered streets, etc...Because Alexandria attracted many immigrants from Scotland, I have shown bagpipers playing on one of the piers. Today there is an annual parade featuring bagpipers that pays tribute to Alexandria's sister city of Dundee, Scotland.
The steeples that rise above the city's skyline reflect the many different churches that sprang up around the city. on the far right is the steeple of Christ Church, where George Washington worshiped. He was also a frequent visitor a tGadsby's Tavern, which is one of the few 18th century taverns still standing in the United States.